If you have suffered from chronic knee pain for a while and nothing seems to give you relief, you may be considering knee surgery. However, a knee replacement is a major surgery and it’s not a decision you should make lightly. It’s important to do your research and discuss the surgery in full detail with your doctor. Here are some of the questions you should ask before knee surgery:

What Type of Knee Surgery Should I Get?

There isn’t just one type of knee surgery. Several surgical options for knee arthritis exist, including total knee replacement, partial knee replacement, and knee arthroscopy. It’s important to ask your knee doctor about the type of knee surgery that’s best for you. He or she will assess the condition of your knees and then determine what kind of knee surgery you should have. For example, if you have such severe knee arthritis that it causes excruciating pain and interferes with your daily activities, your doctor may suggest total knee replacement.

What Results Should I Expect?

Before you decide to have knee surgery, it’s important to get a clear understanding of the results you should expect. Fortunately, the majority of patients who undergo knee surgery have successful results, leading to less pain and better mobility. However, you won’t experience these results instantly, as recovery takes time. It’s important to be patient and realistic about your results.

What Can I Do to Prepare for Surgery?

The better you prepare for your knee surgery, the more likely you are to have optimal results. Your doctor can give you suggestions on what you can do to get ready for your knee surgery. For example, if you smoke tobacco, he or she may advise you to stop at least a couple of weeks before your surgery, as smoking can increase your risk of infection and slow down your recovery. If you’re currently overweight, your doctor may suggest to lose a few pounds before surgery.

What Are the Possible Complications?

It’s also important to know about all the potential complications of knee surgery. Like all surgical procedures, there’s a chance for complications, like blood clots and infection. However, if your knee surgeon is very skilled and experienced, the likelihood of complications is rare.

Will I Be in Pain?

The amount of pain felt after knee surgery varies from person to person. One person might not feel much discomfort at all while another person may be extremely sore. The level of pain you feel will depend on your unique situation. However, your doctor can prescribe you pain medication to alleviate the discomfort. 

Visit a Physical Therapist

You can usually try physical therapy before resorting to knee surgery. A physical therapist, like a physical therapist from AmeriWell Clinics, might be able to help you alleviate pain, or at the very least, assist you in lowering your pain after surgery. Contact a clinic today to set up an initial appointment.

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