There are a wide variety of injuries, and also many remarkable recoveries due to chiropractic. Some individuals have been told they will never walk correctly again, they will never be pain free again. Those same individuals walk correctly and walk out from a Chiropractor pain free. 


How Does Chiropractic Treat Pain?

To treat ailments, a chiropractor may perform adjustments on specific points on your body. With controlled force, he or she can adjust your elbow, neck, shoulder or back so that it aligns better with your body. A chiropractor may also suggest applying heat or ice to painful joints to reduce inflammation, and may recommend rehabilitative exercises to do at home. 

An experienced chiropractor specifically has a strong understanding of the back and spine, types of spinal injuries, various conditions that affect it, and a variety of treatment options. They can evaluate your condition to form the right treatment plan so that you can restore your mobility. If your chiropractic thinks doing at-home exercises may be beneficial, you should follow his or her instructions carefully.

How Often Should You See a Chiropractor?

The frequency of your chiropractic visits can depend on your specific situation. If your pain isn’t so severe, a chiropractor in Rockville, MD might be able to restore your health in just one or two sessions. If your ailment is more complex, your chiropractor might want to give you two to three adjustments every week until your condition improves. 

Chiropractic Care Helps Headaches

If you have a headache, you’re not alone. Headaches are surprisingly common. About nine out of 10 Americans suffer from headaches. Some headaches are occasional, some are frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain, dizziness, or nausea.

Some people with headaches take medications. Others lie down and shut out the world. Some just grit their teeth and carry on.  But perhaps there is a better alternative: chiropractic spinal manipulation.

Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation Helps Headaches

There are many causes of headaches, and many types, as well. However, the most common headache is called a cervicogenic headache. It is typically brought on by poor posture or stress. Studies have confirmed that chiropractic care, including spinal manipulation, improves cervicogenic headaches and migraines as well.

Spinal manipulation is one of the main chiropractic treatments provided by a chiropractor in Rockville, MD. It can be an effective treatment option for tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck muscles. Interventions commonly used in our chiropractic care can improve outcomes for the treatment of acute and chronic neck pain that may trigger uncomfortable or debilitating headaches.

A large number of headaches are associated with muscle tension in the neck. Some physical signs that indicate neck issues that may be triggering your headache include:

·      Pain that comes from sudden neck movements

·      Head pain when your neck is held in the same position for some time

·      Pain that stays on one side of your face or head

·      Head pain upon coughing, sneezing, or taking a deep breath

·      Steady pain that doesn’t throb

·      Pain that lasts for hours or days

·      Stiff neck or impaired range of motion

·      Pain that remains in one spot (i.e., the back, front, side of your head, or eye)


Cervicogenic headache and migraines are different, but some of the symptoms can be similar. For example, you may have:

·      Stomach upset or nausea

·      Vomiting

·      Pain in your arm or shoulder

·      Sensitivity to bright light or noise

·      Blurry vision

Seek a working solution for your pain

Chiropractic clinics such as AmeriWell Clinics, can perform spinal manipulation or chiropractic adjustments that improve spinal function and alleviate the stress on your neck muscles. A chiropractor can orchestrate a comprehensive treatment plan that includes advice on posture, ergonomics (work postures), corrective exercises, and relaxation techniques. Call today to schedule your initial consultation.

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