Hiring an Asbestos Contractor to identify where asbestos is present in your home is vital to ensuring your own personal safety, and for the health of your loved ones. It is a wise decision to remove asbestos from any residential building. However, it takes a professional who understands how to safely eradicate the asbestos, in order to accomplish such a task without endangering others in the home. By hiring an Asbestos Contractor, we can test for this toxic mineral, abide by strict regulations as we identify high-risk areas of your home, and then use the right equipment for removal. 

Understanding Why Asbestos is Dangerous

As an Asbestos Contractor can tell you during a consultation, asbestos is a very dangerous material that must be removed sooner rather than later. The United States has not completely banned asbestos, but its use is much more limited now than in the past. Materials that contain asbestos pose a risk to the public, and can be found in schools, homes, and other properties that were built prior to the 1980s. Asbestos is particularly dangerous because you cannot smell or see its presence.

Asbestos is fibrous and its tiny molecules may get released into the air when disturbed, but cannot be seen with our own eyes. Furthermore, when these fibers are breathed in, they can stick to the lungs and slowly accumulate inside the body overtime, leading to severe and life-threatening conditions later on.

About Asbestos Abatement

The process of asbestos abatement entails identifying, removing, repairing, and encapsulating materials or products within a structure to eliminate exposure threats to toxic fibers. If there is one thing you take away from this article, it is that you should never attempt to remove the asbestos yourself. It is best to have the situation handled by an Asbestos Contractor from a reputable abatement company. Devastatingly, we have seen too many people attempt to remove asbestos themselves, and unintentionally make the matters worse while also exposing others in the household to these fibers. It is not worth the risk. 

Materials That Contain Asbestos

Asbestos does not burn, so it has been used in many home materials that need to be resistant to heat. What was formerly considered a “miracle mineral” because of its strong resistance to catching fire, is now deemed a serious safety hazard. Asbestos undisturbed is not necessarily a cause for concern, however, if you are doing DIY remodeling projects and your home was built prior to 1980, you may accidentally release harmful fragments without even knowing it. Homes that have crumbled ceilings, and worn or broken flooring and roofing must be evaluated for asbestos presence by an Asbestos Contractor who has vast experience in excavating asbestos material. 

Contact an Asbestos Contractor Today

You can trust that we have you and your loved one’s best of interest in mind, and know how to properly get rid of asbestos if it is found in your home. If you are concerned about asbestos, then do not wait to contact a Los Angeles, CA asbestos contractor for a home evaluation. 

Thanks to Nielsen Environmental for their insight into asbestos removal and hiring a contractor.

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